Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future

Sometimes a great wandering Thought sees the ages still unaccomplished, seizes the Force in its eternal flow and precipitates upon earth the powerful vision, which is like a power of realizing what it sees. The world is a vision becoming real. Indeed its past and its present are not the result of an obscure impulse coming from the womb of time, of a slow accumulation of sediments which little by little mold us—and stifle us and imprison us. It is the powerful golden attraction of the future which draws us in spite of ourselves, as the sun draws the lotus from the mud, and forces us to a glory greater than any our mud or efforts or present triumphs could have foreseen or created.

Auroville Afforestation Schemes

Today it’s difficult to pick up any publication without reading about the state of the environment. But the first Aurovilians, struggling in the late sixties, early seventies to gain a foothold on a scorched and almost barren plateau in south India, did not agonise over pH-levels, the destruction of the ozone layer or the greenhouse effect. They had no choice. They dug, they planted, they watered. And this basic, uncomplicated approach, taken up by many others and refined over the years, has made Auroville what it is today – a comparatively green and pleasant land which is the indispensable physical base for its dreams and its experiments.

To be a True Aurovilian…

The first necessity is the inner discovery in order to know what one truly is behind social, moral, cultural, racial and hereditary appearances.
At the centre there is a being free, vast and knowing, who awaits our discovery and who ought to become the active centre of our being and our life in Auroville.

Looking for Trustees

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who have a passion for the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. We are keen to recruit those who may have some interest in charity, education or similar. Enthusiasm and the ability to think creatively, working alongside a small Trustee Board and Senior Management Team.

SOAS University Partnership Agreeement

SOAS, University of London has formally signed a new partnership agreement with the Sri Aurobindo Trust in order to launch a brand new module – ‘Modern Indian Philosophy with a focus on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’. Sri Aurobindo Trust Dr Erica Hunter; Professor Nirmala Rao; Pruthvish Patel, Sri Aurobindo Trust TreasurerContinue reading “SOAS University Partnership Agreeement”