Comprehensive and up to date botanical survey of Merveille and its surrounding area, Pondicherry

The Sri Aurobindo Trust sponsored a comprehensive study into the botanical survey of Merveille and its surrounding area, Pondicherry. Main GoalThe present study meets two objectives: Output As a result of this proposed project the data collected will be part of research whichwill enable to Ms. Uma Maheswari to work for PhD. Two to threeContinue reading “Comprehensive and up to date botanical survey of Merveille and its surrounding area, Pondicherry”

Sri Aurobindo Exhibition

The exhibition “Sri Aurobindo & The Mother, The Advent of a New World” was created as a permanent exhibition for the Auroville Visitors Center in 2014.Conceived as a meditative journey through Sri Aurobindo’s and The Mother’s vision and action, it displays some of their most essential and inspiring texts,and it is illustrated with photos andContinue reading “Sri Aurobindo Exhibition”

The Spirit of Auroville Exhibition

The permanent exhibition ‘Auroville, The City the Earth Needs’ has been created on the occasion of Auroville’s fiftieth birthday and was inaugurated on the 28th of February 2018.Conceived as an exploration of the Auroville’s Charter and it’s four main themes — Karma Yoga, Unending Education, The Cradle of a New World and Human Unity —,itContinue reading “The Spirit of Auroville Exhibition”