The 144th Anniversary of The Mother’s Birthday

Monday 21st February 2022

The 144th Anniversary of The Mother’s Birthday

Mother is the most sacred word in the world, and it’s a special emotion for a woman to be a called a mother. But it’s an eternal boon for someone to be called mother by the entire world and Mira Alfassa was one such woman to referred as the mother. Celebrating her birthday and her contribution to the Sri Aurobindo Society, Mother’s Birth Anniversary in Pondicherry is best experienced in Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Having been visited India in 1914 during World War I, Mother went to Japan and there she met Nobel laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore. Having being mighty inspired by him and her love for India made her come back to India in 1920. Since then, she spent all her time in India. She visited Sri Aurobindo Spiritual Retreat in 1914 and after returning back in 1920, she settled in Pondicherry. Being an ardent follower of Sri Aurobindo, Mother founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1926, when Sri Aurobindo retired into seclusion on 24th November 1926.

This year’s theme for celebrating the Mother’s life in Pondicherry is GOODNESS Be good, in the sense of being understanding, knowing that the conditions in which you have lived are exceptional, and try to live a higher, more noble, more true life than the ordinary one, so as to allow a little of this consciousness, this light and its goodness to express itself in the world.

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