When a spiritual guru put the Indian government in a fix with a request for dual citizenship

The Mother, a close collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, claimed there was no antagonism between being an Indian and French citizen at the same time. In August 1954, Rajendra Prasad, the first president of India, received a guest with an unusual request. His visitor, Indra Sen, was a former professor of philosophy who had travelled fromContinue reading “When a spiritual guru put the Indian government in a fix with a request for dual citizenship”

Sri Aurobindo’s teachings is the concept of integral sustainability

Sri Aurobindo, an influential Indian philosopher, scholar, and spiritual leader, provided deep insights into various aspects of life, including sustainability. His teachings, which encompassed spiritual evolution, integral yoga, and the transformation of consciousness, offer a unique perspective on how sustainability can be achieved on both personal and collective levels. One important aspect of Sri Aurobindo’sContinue reading “Sri Aurobindo’s teachings is the concept of integral sustainability”

My God is Love, and Sweetly Suffers All

Sri Aurobindo was born in India 15th August 1872. From an early age he was educated in England at St Paul’s school and then Kings College Cambridge. Abrilliant scholar the young Aurobindo had the opportunity to take a prestigious position in the Civil Service. However during his university years he became increasingly committed to theContinue reading “My God is Love, and Sweetly Suffers All”

Teachings from the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo

All Nature dumbly calls to her alone To heal with her feet the aching throb of life And break the seals on the dim soul of man And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things. I live completely outside time. A sort of non-existent existence. I think a few minutes have elapsed while it’sContinue reading “Teachings from the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo”

Sri Aurobindo birth anniversary: Acknowledging his finest books ever

A philosopher, poet, yogi, and nationalist, Sri Aurobindo was one of the most talented and celebrated authors in India during his time. He has written some powerful books that can help one awaken their spiritual self with his thought-provoking ideas and thoughts. As August 15 is observed as his birth anniversary, let’s pay homage to him by revisiting hisContinue reading “Sri Aurobindo birth anniversary: Acknowledging his finest books ever”

Aurobindo Ghosh’s journey in the fight for Indian independence against British colonial rule is a fascinating tale.

Initially an advocate for non-cooperation and a promoter of revolutionary activities, he played a significant role in inspiring fellow revolutionaries such as Bagha Jatin (Jatin Mukherjee) and Surendranath Tagore. Ghosh founded numerous youth clubs, including the Anushilan Samiti, and championed acts of rebellion in secret. New Delhi: Aurobindo Ghosh’s life and contributions as a prominentContinue reading “Aurobindo Ghosh’s journey in the fight for Indian independence against British colonial rule is a fascinating tale.”

Who was Mirra Alfassa before she became ‘The Mother’?

An excerpt from ‘Sri Aurobindo: The Life and Teachings of a Revolutionary Philosopher’, by Roshen Dalal. Mirra Alfassa, or the Mother, was the most important person in Sri Aurobindo’s life, and carried forward his work following his death. Some aspects of her life in association with Sri Aurobindo are offered here, though even this cannotContinue reading “Who was Mirra Alfassa before she became ‘The Mother’?”

Matrimandir Preservation

Due to unexpectedly generous summer rains, the water level in the Matrimandir Test Lake rose to 5.10 meters, only 20 or 30 centimeters away from its maximum capacity. The rainwater collected from the 22-acre Matrimandir Gardens area was efficiently channeled to the lake through a newly constructed open water channel, designed specifically for this purpose.Continue reading “Matrimandir Preservation”

“Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future” film release

We are thrilled to share with you all an incredible project, funded by Sri Aurobindo Trust, London – “Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future” film, is a thought-provoking and visually stunning documentary that takes us on a transformative journey, weaving together the teachings and philosophy of the great Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo with deep explorationContinue reading ““Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future” film release”